Point Nemo, officially known as the Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility, is the most remote location on Earth. Situated in the vast South Pacific Ocean at coordinates 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W, it lies thousands of kilometers from any landmass or human habitation. Its isolation has earned it a unique distinction: it’s the designated dumping ground for decommissioned satellites.
Since 1993, NASA and other space agencies have agreed to dispose of defunct spacecraft either in “graveyard orbit” or by safely guiding them to a watery grave. Point Nemo, with its remote location and lack of marine life (due to nutrient-poor waters), was deemed the ideal spot. Over 260 pieces of space debris, including the Mir space station and parts of NASA’s Skylab, have met their final resting place at Point Nemo.
Reference: TheAtlantic